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This section includes pages on individuals and families. Click the arrows at the bottom right of each page to read through all the pages, or click this tab to return to the Contents, where you can choose a specific page of interest.

If you get lost, use this tab for a family  overview. Clicking a box calls up biographical material on the person if there is any in the site.

This tab takes you to several pages of images – first pictures of Bobruisk, then portraits and films of family members.

This section contains information on various Seligman, Zeligman and Zelikman families that are from this area of Byelorussia but that can’t, at present, be linked into the larger family tree.

Click this tab to return to this page.

A note on orthography: Spelling was not an exact science before last century. The Seligmans, Zeligmans, Saligmans and Zelikmans on this tree are all blood relatives. 




his is a tribute to the first six generations of a Seligman family from the city of Bobruisk and its satellite towns of Shchedrin and Parichi in Byelorussia, now Belarus.


It is not about the German family of banking barons – a relationship there is unlikely – nor about Seligmans from Lithuania or Poland.


Why only the first six generations? Simply because these days it's not wise to post too much personal information about living people on the Internet. If you think you might be part of this family and want further information about their descendants, do drop me an e-mail.


I've benefited from the cooperation of hundreds of people in amassing this data, but I'm solely responsible for the content of this website. Please write me directly with any comments, criticisms or corrections.

Scott D. Seligman

Washington, DC


  © 2006-2019 Scott D. Seligman